Friday, June 09, 2023

Why I'm not going to watch that video

I'm not going to watch your video. You aren't the first person I'm saying this to, but you won't be the last either so I'm writing this so I don't have to repeat myself. Don't be deluded into thinking that you won our little Internet debate. Feel free to think that I'm just a tool of the corporations, the Deep State, or whoever you think the bad guys are. But I bet you are never going to watch all of the January 6th Committee hearings either.

I already have a pretty good idea of what the video is going to say. Maybe it might have something that I haven't heard before, or maybe this a Rickroll or whatever the kids are doing these days. Even if that video is the only way to learn the secrets of Life, The Universe, And Everything, those secrets shall remain unknown to me because I will not watch that video.

You could type out what relevant facts are in that video, and I might read them. But I suspect your real goal is to increase the viewcount of that video and help the people who made it. Or maybe you knew I was going to refuse to watch that video, and you want to be able to say that I'm biased and closed minded. Maybe you're closed-minded because you think everyone who doesn't have time or cellular data to watch your video is closed-minded. Why don't you go outside and touch some grass?

As I am typing this, I have the day off. And obviously my Internet works. Now would be a very convenient time for me to watch videos. But I'd rather be watching Star Trek and writing this than watch your video. Maybe that's a poor use of my time, but suggesting videos to me is an absolute waste of your time, because that's just not going to lead to a desirable outcome.

I have watched a LOT of videos before I wrote this. Far too many of them contain a Gish Gallop. They say a bunch of things that sound like facts because they have big words and statistics. But you didn't bother to double check any of them, so why should I bother to hear them in the first place?


  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    He had things to say other than about medical topics. When did you become a close-minded ignoramus who is afraid of opinions other than his own and facts that might challenge his beliefs? As your father, I am very disappointed. I will watch read, or listen to anything you recommend as long as it doesn't take a huge waste of time or it gets to be incredibly boring. I am semi-retired, so the waste of time would have to be pretty big.

    1. "When did you become a close-minded ignoramus who is afraid of opinions other than his own and facts that might challenge his beliefs?"
      Every conservative accusation is a confession. But you can use your 1st Amendment right to say everything RFK Jr says. I just don't watch videos that people send me. You have time, so you can type it out or find a transcript.

  2. Michael Enders2:58 PM

    Here is the transcript. As I copied it into a Google doc, it came out white letters on a black background. I haven't figured out how to change that. "Every conservative accusation is a confession ... " Why would that apply only to conservatives? I have seen others accuse people of something the accuser was guilty of. Conservatives are guilty of the same faults all other humans are - no more and no less.
