Thursday, February 04, 2021

Why the Capitol Riot is not an excuse for new gun laws

 1. The rioters almost took the Capitol without firing a shot. No gun law could have stopped them, even if they actually obeyed that gun law in particular.

2. New arbitrary gun laws would mean more sympathy for insurrectionists that they don't deserve.

3. Militia groups already know what to do if their existing guns are outlawed.: before the legislation goes into effect, they will bury their weapons in waterproof containers out in the middle of nowhere. They wait a while, until people give up looking for those guns. Then after everyone else thinks their safe, they will dig their guns up. A gun can stay functional for 100 years if stored right.

4. The Capitol police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt has been cleared of any wrong doing. A good guy with a gun saved democracy that day.

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