Sunday, October 14, 2018

Trump and Saudi Arabia

So Saudi Arabia is alleged to have murdered a journalist. Jamal Khashoggi was seen entering a Saudi consulate in Turkey, and was never seen leaving. Trump says that there will be “severe punishment”. But he wants to continue to sell Saudi Arabia weapons! Because jobs!

1. Maybe we shouldn't sell weapons to assholes? If you were running a gun store, and an MS-13 member walked in, would you sell him a gun? Maybe he'll get a gun anyway, but does it have to come from you? Yes, I get that there are lots of jobs in the defense industry. This is mainly because the Pentagon overpays for everything. But if we stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, so what if Boeing and Lockheed have to lay some people off. Are all those STEM majors going to have a hard time finding a job in the best economy in 20 years? Really?

2. If you HAVE to sell a country weapons, how do you safely “severely punish” them? Wouldn't you want to stay on friendly terms so that your merchandise doesn't get used on you or your friends?

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