Sunday, February 28, 2016

Thoughts about online dating now that I'm in a stable relationship

Historically, online dating was thought of as a tool for the desperate. Even though it's more popular, it still gets bashed a lot. But it opens up a single person to more potential dates. You get to meet people that you likely would never have met offline. And to think that our parents met through random chance in meatspace.
For me, online dating was like college: enjoyable but stressful, and I'm glad I don't have to do it anymore. Here are my thoughts for anyone who is still looking:
1. Never post your thoughts about online dating on your blog if you still are active in online dating. You will sound like a complainer. You probably are a complainer if you do this. So stop it. I get to rant about online dating because I'm in a stable relationship now.
2, Your parents probably give better dating advice than your single friends.
3. I saw a lot of single mothers on OKCupid. I know that kids come first. But just check off the box that says you have a kid or kids. Don't gush about how amazing your kids are in your dating profile bio. "Amazing" was a pretty common adjective to describe toddlers. I would have liked to meet the mother of a mediocre three-year old. That would have been a woman with realistic expectations.
4. Platonic friends and coworkers can sometimes stumble across your dating profile. It's probably best to keep things PG.
5. I think people who put up ads that say they are looking for a platonic relationship with a member of the opposite sex are either lying to themselves or don't know what "platonic" means.
6. You don't save yourself up for marriage. You save yourself up for a house full of cats.
7. People say there is no such thing as the friendzone. But I think it's real. It's like getting a bronze medal in the Olympics. My best advice is not argue with the judge, and just move on to the next event and try again. (Silver medal is when you are friends with benefits.)

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