Monday, March 05, 2012

A couple modest questions

1. If employers should be required to pay for insurance that provides contraception to women, should they also pay for dental insurance that provides free toothpaste? After all, your employer shouldn't tell you that you can't have birth control. Therefore, my employer should not tell me I cannot brush my teeth.
2. This November, Democratic voters must ask themselves this: How many Iranian civilians am I prepared to sacrifice for free healthcare?
3. Should auto insurance be required to pay for new tires and brake pads? Whenever a car with bald tires causes an accident, we shouldn't blame the driver for not maintaining his car. We should blame Congress for not passing the appropriate legislation.


  1. I don't need it anymore, but one of the risks of being a woman is that a woman can get pregnant. If you men could get pregnant, there wouldn't be ANY discussion at all about the "sanctity of life" and "a man's right to choose." Hooters and strip clubs would offer abortion specials along with the wings and beer.

  2. Birth control and toothpaste are not comparable because toothpaste does not require a prescription, and is readily available, with or without health insurance. Birth control is a lot harder to come by, and if we have to see a doctor to get it, it should be treated like any other prescription.

  3. I am sorry R. Jones, but no you do not need a prescription for birth control; and yes, there is a free birth control available for every single man and woman in the United States, and most civilized Countries called "ABSTINENCE". No, I do not agree that employers should be required to provide birth control to women. I think that people need to accept reality and be responsible which means if they do not want children, don't have sex.

  4. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Abstinence failed as a form of contraception 2012 years ago.


  5. Gloria,
    I still need it, but one of the risks of being a man is tooth decay. We men can get tooth decay, so why isn't there ANY discussion at all about the "sanctity of healthy smiles" and "a man's right to choose solid foods"? Why won't Hooters and strip clubs would offer tooth paste specials along with the wings and beer?

  6. Birth control pills are used to treat lots of issues, not just for contraception. It's a hormone.
